Thursday 5 March 2015

Our Mission In Life: Adding Value.

Hi guys, I just wanted to write a quick blog post. I’ve been thinking about what I want to accomplish in my life. Upon doing so I’ve identified two types of people in the world: “givers” and “takers”.
As the name suggests, “givers” are people who give something to this world, they add value. Researchers are “givers”, as they add knowledge to the existing knowledge we posses. Police officers (good ones) are “givers”, since they look to secure our safety and protect our well-being.

“Takers”, are people who take away from this world. They destroy (good) things that other people have built up over time. A more common version of takers are people who add nothing of value to this world and otherwise drain resources. On the one side of the bar you have mild “takers”. Most of us fall into this category. We “add” our fair share of CO2, consume food etc. As you can see, these things are nothing to be ashamed of (although lowering ones CO2 emission is in fact important) as they’re inevitably going to happen if you lead a normal life.
On the other side of the bar are the extreme takers. They are the worst sort of people, as they destroy what good people have done and deliberately seek to take away from mankind. Terrorists would fall into this category.
Your average taker however, will be a person who does a meaningless job, is unfriendly to the people around him and does nothing to protect the environment. By meaningless job I’m referring to a job that is either only there to put money in ones pocket, or a job that is counterproductive to the development of our society.

The message I want to convey is this: be a giver. Add value to the world. The only reason why we have reached this stage in evolution is because there are givers who discover and build new things, which they then share with the rest of mankind. Back in the day givers were hunters who discovered new techniques, which they then shared with the rest of their tribe. Nowadays, givers can be innovators like Elon Musk.
But you don’t need to be the next serial entrepreneur and philanthropist to add something to this world. Merely being friendly is a simple way to give back something positive to the people around you.
Getting back to the thought that lead me here, what do I want to accomplish in life? I haven’t got an exact answer for that yet (I have a few business ideas), but whatever I do, I want to be a giver. I recommend that you do the same.